Magic Words : I want to be a cat…

To start off our first week at Clissold’d after school poetry club we talked about some of the different things that poems can do. This is a brief list of what the amazing 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders came up with: 

  1. Poems can help us to speak up for ourselves.
  2. Poems can be about things we love. 
  3. Poems can be about things in nature. 
  4. Poems can sometimes rhyme. 
  5. Poems can be about people we love. 
  6. Poems can help people. 

Then we read Magic Words by Nalunguiaq, an Inuit Poem, and wrote poems about the power of words and what our own magic words would be. Enjoy this week’s poet! 

My Magic Word



Can you turn me 

into a tiger? 

I want to be a tiger

I want to be a tiger because 

I love how their body looks

and how they can see. 

And I also want to be a cat. 

I want to be a cat because I kinda

love how they scratch people. Also,

my magic words would be: 

“Give me my grandma back please.” 

I really love her so much. We used to make

strawberry pancakes together. That word would

make God bring my grandma back. 



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.