In our feelings Poems – Avondale Logandale 3rd & 4th Grade –Winter 2020

In the 5th session of the Chicago Poetry Center residency 3rd and 4th-grade students used their poems to explore their feelings through comparisons, descriptive language, and playful imagery.

Ms. Lozada

3rd Grade



Eliza M. 


When I feel excited,

I jump up and down,

skip all around,

grin happy and dance

and run out of the room “FAST!”

When I feel happy,

I play my favorite music

and play with my Mario toys

The End



Lisette A.


Cuando yo siento que estoy feliz

Yo quiero estar en la escuela todos los dias.

Y cuando estoy feliz

tambien me gustaria ir al mercado todos dias

y comprar todo

y tambien me gustaria dormir en los nubes.

Cuando yo estoy muy triste

quiero llorar y comer muchos chocolates y helado

y quiero ver peliculas tristed todo el dia

y acobijarme como una pompom

y estar con mi mejor maestra Ms. Amara.

I love her.


Ms. Clark

3rd Grade



Nialaney G. 


When I feel calm

I feel like a day at the spa.

When I feel grateful,

I think of what my mom did for me.

When I feel calm,

It is like going into a book.

When I am grateful,

I bring joy to people’s eyes.

When I feel calm,

I feel like nothing could stop me.

When I feel grateful,

I think about the kindness I gave to people.

When I feel calm,

I feel like I rise up,

into the clouds.

When I feel grateful,

I am grateful for my family.

When I feel calm,

I feel my dreams come true.



Alma A. 


When I feel nervous I get thundering.

When I feel calm I get tired.

When I feel surprised I get excited.

When I feel happy I get joyful.

When I feel happy I play my own music.

When I am grateful for my free gifts.

When I’m scared I go to sleep.


Ms. Pease

4th Grade



Leah F.


When I feel sad I feel tired.

When I feel happy I want icecream.

When I feel sassy I want fancy food.

When I feel mad I want to eat 5 pounds of pizza.

When I feel smart I want roses.

When my dog feels sad I give him a hug.

When I feel hungry I want fall leaves.

When I feel like jumping I hop.

When I feel sad like yarn.

When I feel like a bear I ROARRRRR!

When I feel happy I want more fun.

When I feel wired I feel happy.



Lula Q. 


When I feel sad I hear weird music.

When I feel sad I wish for unicorns.

When I feel happy I jump on my bed.

When I feel creative I draw pictures.

When I feel brave I can save the world.

When I feel mad I want to rip the earth.

When I feel embarrassed I hide from people.

When I feel helpful I help everyone.

When I feel calm I read a book.

When I feel lazy I sleep.

When I feel grateful I say I am grateful.

When I feel strong I try to pick up heavy things.

When I feel moody I scare people.

When I feel active I run.



Joshua B. 


When I feel happy I jump.

When I feel depressed I wish I can go to disappointment island.

When I feel guilty I feel like a bear that took a dog’s bowl of food.

When I feel happy I wish to have a bear,



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.