‘I am the frosting to my cake’

Lesson Note: This week, we practiced similes and metaphors. We wrote some odes and then some “I Am” poems. All the students blew me away with their imaginations. Take a look at a few of the published poems!


Mrs. Chester, 4th Grade


Ode to Green

by Joshua W.


You are green as a frog

You are green as a pickle

You are green as seaweed in a sea

You are green as a stick

You are green as a tree


Ode to Santa

by A’rroni E.


You are amazing because

you bring gifts for me

and you travel all over the world

and you eat a billion cookies


Ode to My Mom

by Te’vion C.


Mom, I love the way you look

my mom can cook

You make me feel warm inside.


Ode to Tree

by Jamir


Trees, trees big and tall

sometimes small but I don’t care

at all, tall and green with cool colors


Still very tall, please don’t chop

them all. This is my message

for all the littles like honey bees,

raccoons and others.


I wish to be a tree

sway around in the wind,

stuck to the ground with lots

of leaves. But they will go in the

winter under the snow.


There will be no more color but

still some trees. I hope they don’t

go goodbye. The trees will forever

be my home.


I Am

by Zoie H.


I am a floating rainbow.


I Am 

by Shawndale T.


I am strong

I am smart

I am intelligent

I am excellent

I am proud

I am an excellent player

I am a basketball

I am a football


I Am

by Tyrand B.


I am a shark because I got a lot

of teeth but fall out

I am a heart, I am

my mom’s heart

I am a bright star to my mom and dad

and I am a sun I am their son


I Am 

by Ariel A.


I am the clouds in the sky

I am the sun to my rainbow

I am the frosting to my cake

I am the heart to my dad

I am a girl by day and a princess by night


I Am at the Beach

by Kamyra


I am a baby turtle finding a way home

I am the waves on the beach

I am a whale looking for fish

I am a mama turtle looking for my baby turtle

I am the sand on the beach

I am a star, people look out at me on the beach

I am me

I am the whole beach with people having fun





“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.