Haiku in the countdown toward the last day of school!

It’s hard out here in these poetry streets trying to get students to write poems as they count down the days ’til the end of the school year! STILL Swift 2nd and 3rd graders accepted my challenge to write haiku – despite lethargy, antsy-ness, and the absence of their classroom teachers. I have to extend kudos to them for their concentrated efforts!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ Who knew that a seemingly simple poem of only 3 lines could get complicated by the math of the format? Traditional haikus are written about nature, and consist of a format of 5 syllables for lines one and three, with a 7 syllable allowance for line two. Nowadays, haikus are written about everything under the sun. But what about the art of the poem? How can your choice of words and their syllables also paint a picture or make a reader pause to reflect? These were the challenges faced by Swift students, today.

Ms. Urquiza
2nd Grade

Something else that happened during our bilingual poetry reading portion of class is that 2 students who have never volunteered to read before, decide that this was their day! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพto Aidar and Saiful!!

Kingston D.

I like to draw things
Kingston likes the color blue
Blue whales have blue skin.

Avril B.

My back pack is pink
Pink flamingoes are pretty
My pink drink is pink.

Zahro G.

I like the nature
my favorite weather is
windy, cool, and warm.

Amanuel D.

I like the color
green. Because leaves and grass are green
some green stuff smells good!!

Ms. Pendola
2nd Grade

Arya M.

A bubble is blown
And it flies away so fast
But I can’t pop it.

Abhipsa J.

summer flowers are
the best. Hot sun makes it good
the grass is spiky.

Marlo C.

a blue silent sky
with bluebirds in it with song
and a friend of me.

a blueberries’ song
the shininess of them is
blue, just blue in them.

Annie A.

A plushie poem
a plushie is walking slow
and going back home.

Inas F.

A bunny is cute
bunnies playing in a pond
now they are sleeping

Ms. Reed
3rd Grade

Anjila K.

squishmellows are soft
lions’ fur are soft
poppits are so fun


pencils dance around
like crazy. Dancing funny
they like eating words

Victor K.

I sweat while playing
at the park in summertime
but I still have fun.

I get to play games
always in the summertime
and I never stop.

In the summertime
I like refreshing cool drinks
It always feels good.

Ms. Herlo
3rd Grade

Moyo F.

Sometimes I can get
a little hyper when I
want to do fun things.

My friends are sometimes
mean to me but I can be
the best friend ever!

Jose. R.

School is a place where
you learn math, science, writing
and reading. That’s school.

Shreyash C.

I like to play sports
at the park with my cousins
extremely fun, too!


pancakes and eggs are
my usual order when
I go to iHop.

Delphina O.

the beach is so fun
I like to swim magically
with the little narwhal.

Layla W.

I like playing games
Roblox and Minecraft are fun
I’m good at tag, too.

I like gymnastics
My favorite color is pink
I can do cartwheels.


I see bunnies hop
in the dark grass and the wind
just enjoying life.

rain pouring in the
window, in a hard, big stomp
scaring me to death.

Alvina C.

I love bananas
good to make banana bread
so tasty yum yum



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

โ€œWriting poetry makes me feel free.โ€
-Buenda D.

โ€œWriting poetry is like your best friend.โ€
-Jessica M.