‘…filled with big bloom flowers’: Exquisite Corpse Group Poems!

Students crafted visual and then poetic Exquisite Corpses! Afterward, they were challenged to create a clay figure of one of their collective group drawings! Below are some images and some of the group poems created. Students created topics around which to craft their surprising poems, which unfold as you see below, with the poetic line preceding the new writing invisible to the group of writers crafting the poem until the entire whimsical work is revealed at the end of the process. Students chose topics around ending the school day, food, and the seasons. 

Lesson Note: Cadavre exquis (exquisite corpse) is a collaborative writing and drawing approach first used by surrealist artists to create bizarre and intuitive drawings.

                                                                                                Mrs. McClain, 7th Grade

Exquisite Corpse
by Favia P, Sloan L. Mariana V.

The leaves are as orange as a pumpkin
The pumpkins light up like the yellow sun

La Estacion de otono
es disfrutable ye muy linda

The fall season
is enjoyable and very beautiful

the leaves start to darken and fall, taking away the
summer breeze

hello autumn

Mrs. McClain, 8th Grade

Exquisite Corpse
by Sara B., Sofia B., Kylie B.

Tick, tock, tick, tock
The slow clock moving, ughhhh

Rows and Rows of Seats
Columns and Columns of people

The class never ends
like a walk on the beach


Exquisite Corpse
by Lucy R., Ainsley D., Anastasia N.

Is the clock broken?
my will to live is

watching the clock
it’s a ticking time bomb

seconds go slow
when will it end?

Mrs. McClain, 8th Grade

Exquisite Corpse
by Isabella S., Marion C., Isaiah V.

Flowers outside
nature is filled with big bloom flowers
with petals. big trees outside with leaves
falling out

the big field
was a vibrant green

The forest
was as green as the
name Greenland

Mrs. McClain, 7th Grade

Exquisite Corpse
David Z., Marley M., Carly G., Salim B.

I like French snails
but definitely not beach snails

Extinguish, extinction, excavation
A summarized version of the digestive system

I walked over to my favorite Indian restaurant
and sat down at a table. After I ate a big
bowl of Butter Chicken and Naan

the pasta was hot and creamy the kids were waiting
to eat it as well as the dog but he couldn’t have any



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.