Dubois gets a taste of sampling!

In 6th workshop, by built our poetic device detector muscles by listening to the famous “I Have a Dream” speech by Dr Martin Luther King Jr! We then talked about, sampling,noticing and and picking out the most famous samples within the “I Have a Dream” speech (eg. US Constitution, famous patriotic songs, etc) and listened to Common (ft. Will.I.Am)’s song of the same name, that sampled audio from the infamous speech!  Students then came together to use sampling as their primary tool to create unique group pieces for the first time!
Ms. Dydo
8th Grade
Poem by Rayonna, Briana, Ramon, Marshon, and Marganay
“They don’t really care about us”
The only thing they see
is our hot sweating
cotton-picking ancestors
“They don’t really care about us”
To them we are an infection
to society
“They don’t really care about us”
They hung us on trees, and
beat us until we fall like leaves
“They don’t really care about us”
They discriminate agains us
as “Ghetto” “Black” “Negros”
“They don’t really care about us”
Ms. Dydo
7th Grade
Poem by Destiny, Takaionna, and Amira
“I want to go to sleep until you feel better”
The mental problems
I can’t take it anymore
I don’t know what to do
we will rise up
“Sickness is essential to success”
I’m tired of waking up at 3am
I’m tired of working about sickness
I am tired of thinking I’m going to catch what you have
I feel like I’m alone
we will rise up
“Sickness love is the healthiest”
Falling asleep by your bed
Waking up with your cough
Thinking I might loose you
Don’t know how to help you
we will rise up
“mental toughness is essential to success”
Figuring out how to cure this
Thinking how my life would be without you
Hoping this gets better
Writing you these letters
I want the stories be over
We will always be together
we will  rise up
Ms. Dydo
6th Grade
Put the guns down
Poem by Davida, Tyreail, Leiara, and Jasmine
“put the guns down”
don’t bring them to the play ground
don’t bring them near school grounds
don’t bring the guns around
stand down
don’t shoot another round
just “put the guns down”
don’t shoot for no reason
just cause you want treason
don’t shoot in any season
don’t shoot cause you’re showing actions
“put the guns down”
Hands up
Don’t shoot
our nation’s lives matter
“put the guns down”
coming straight from the underground
*   *   *
Since the students worked in groups this week we won’t be selecting individual’s “Hot Lines” to showcase, but keep your eyes peeled for more snippets and samples in future blogs!



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.