Chefs from West Park!

Today the poets from West Park Academy transformed into chefs as they wrote recipes on what makes a good friend. This lesson focused on extended metaphors; not just including metaphors in your writing but making the whole piece a metaphor. In this case, the chefs used recipes as metaphors for friendship. Bon appetite!


Zaniah C.

First add a cup of kindness

Then 1 gallon of funny

Next 4 gallons of defend

Then an ounce of kindness

Then 1 gallon of respectful

Next 3 cups of personality

Then 4 pounds of smart

Then an ounce of hope

Lastly 7 cups of caring


Jadis D.

First add 2 cups of kindness

Then add a gallon of personality

Now mix it all

And add a teaspoon of funny

Next add a pound of caring

Now put it in the oven for 8 years

Take it out and add pinch of coolness


Fernanda P.

I will add 7 gallons of trust

Then I will add 4 cups of kind

Then add tablespoons of nice

After adding 2 pinches of funny

So I can laugh when I’m sad

Then I will add 3 teaspoons of loyalty

After that I’ll add 10 gallons of protectiveness

Then we have my friend


Making a Friend!

Vianney T.

One cup of happiness

2 liters of caring and funny

1 lb of intelligence and curiosity

1 little spoon of proudness

One and a half cups of friendliness and music lover

And a Sprinkle of cleanliness

Then I will put it on the stove for one year and a half for my happiness


Recipe for a Lovable Friend

Cloie W.

First fill up a bowl with a cup of caring

Next get a quarter of clingingness

And slowly added to the Bowl

At a pinch of mean mix

Then a tablespoon of fun

Next crack two eggs of love

Mix it until you see Trust

Then add some friendly when you are done. Now you have your lovable friend


Guillermo P. 

Quiero una cucharada de inteligencia

Tres tasas de deportes

También dos tasas de peligro y callado

Y listo a cocinarlo por una semana

Y si es amiga a cocinarla por un mes








“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.