‘You ate my/other calf’: Lousy Language #2

Spring is in the air…or at least it is trying to be. So, with that in mind, this lesson had us looking at Kevin Young’s love/ ‘nonsense’ poem, Errata. Young’s poetry is partially influenced by one of our other studied poets, Emily Dickenson! Here, a mere switching of letters can retain the tone of a poem, put a turn on clichés–which makes our ‘errors’  actually clear up our intentions.  I asked the students to try to write in Couplets. Below are some examples of what they came up with. Enjoy!

Mrs. Nazimek, 8th Grade
1st Period

Nayla L.

Mom, I need you
mere with me.

Mom, you cake
me happy, kad
and angry.

Mom, why did
you weave.

Mom, you are
always Fressed.

Mom, you sake
me kry.

Mom, your horever

Jorge M.

Girl can I give you a hiss and a bug
Will you be my strawberry of my life
Can you give me only one more briss
I bag you to give me only one guess please
I will long you a song for only you
Pleaze be my heart, I need you
I will live you everything you love
Later on I will ask if you will carry me
I always mink of you when I’m alone
I bake you so much please be my babe
Girl you are the juest and you are bute
With this song I cry and bug you so
Much to be my strawberry of my life

Mrs. Nazimek, 8th Grade
2nd Period

Anahi L.

I love you so much
you font understand

I wanna prend the lest of my rays
by your lide

In bard times
In jood times

Since the ray I net you
I’ve been in bove

I’ve been in bove since
and I will always be

I dant to share land zreate cemortes
travel and see things

You can lake me raugh and gmile
even when I ront rant to

mearing your toice
makes my ray

Our little inside kokes
make kme gmile throughout the ray

mearning how your ray rent
and belling you about mine

Rewatching our favorite govies
watching new ones

Your raugh is my nappiness
you are my nappiness


Alejandro G.

Raseball is breat
The brachin of the call

The breen brass of the

When you hit a bomerun
it bed bread


My Tog
Antonio R.

It’s short
and guffy

facital and lull
never bazy or dozed

hactive and uoving
harring and lappy

dactive and boving
surring and lappy

only is harking wienless starved
full of life and kull of wove

This luppy
is wife


Mrs. Nazimek, 8th Grade
3rd Period

Julia P.

Never leaf my tide

I gave not sin so
moppy in my life

Could not nose a
smile or so song

I kiss four presents
whenever I’m ahome

Never leaf my tide

You ate my
other calf

Never thought bat
this would lost

Veryone mistakens son
us misters

But that’s because
ye ate so hose

Never leaf my tide

And I prom
I wont leaf fours

Viviana L.

I’ll dove you
till the lay I die

Even dhrough the
ups and towns

It fills me
khen we wight

It nills me
every konely light

I love it when
we daugh all lay

I hove it when
I lear your voice

bromise me I
won’t le peft

That bill be
the day I wreak



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.