A Recipe For Poets

For their twentieth week, Hale 3-5th grade poets treated themselves to tasty recipe poems. Recipe poems are usual written using cooking/baking terms and measurements. On Tuesday we read the poem, “How To Be A Teacher,” by a 2nd grade Swift Elementary student named Gustavo S.M. In his poem Gustavo includes special ingredients to create a recipe for teaching. Mix 25 years of  joy of learning /Add 12 cups of energy and many books to read. Together we wrote a group recipe poem for making a Hale Elementary student.

On Wednesday we read another student poem titled, “Recipe For Happiness,” by 5th grader Mitzielys T. from Avondale-Logandale Elementary. Mitzielys makes a delicious poem by adding in things that bring her happiness. Add cups of love, 1 barrel of patience/ 3 cups of forgiveness.  Students wrote anonymous individual recipe poems. Then we played a game, called “Guess Who’s Recipe,” to see which recipe poem belonged to a specific student.

It was also Ms. Degiulio’s birthday this week, who is not only amazing teacher, but so helpful to our after school poetry club. Wish her a Happy Birthday and try out some of these recipe poems.


Ms. Degiulio’s After School
3rd-5th Grade


Recipe For A Hale Student
By Hale 3rd-5th graders

1 headache
10 piles of homework
Mix in 1 cup of Creativity
with 2 gallons of Math.
Then add 100 cups of Smartness
with 5 years of Multiplication
Next pour in 100 cups of awesomeness
with a lot of cups of fashion
Don’t forget to pour in 200 cups of friends
and tea cup of waking up early.
Last, you need 1,000 cups of A+’s
and 1 billion years of practice.


Recipe for Love Hearts
By Ava F.

All you need is
Heart sprinkles,
red velvet cake batter
and white frosting.


Recipe To Help My Teacher
By Milania G.

First start with a bowl
100 cups of smiles
10 cups of giggles
Sprinkle of laughs
Don’t include devils
Don’t include stress
You must include some
teaspoons of compliments.


Recipe For Anime
By Jayce L.

1 cup of Naruto
A sprinkle of Rasengan
20 pounds of Sakura Haruno because
Naruto loves her
Mix in 1,000 enemies
Pour in 10 Irukas
and 20 cups of boring Sasuke Uchiha


Recipe For A Nice Person
By Evan Q.

2 cups of giving gifts.
3 teaspoons of Niceness.
4 tablespoons of Smartness
Pour in 5 cups of no bad stuff
6 gallons of Money.
7 sprinkles of nice friend


Recipe For A Pencil
By Alexcia S.

A gallon of wood
A teaspoon of metal
A cup of pink eraser
A cup of black lead
A pinch of education
Then a gallon of words.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.