If I Could Turn Back Time …

Hamline 6th graders traveled back in time for their third week of poetry. We explored how to use our five senses (touch, taste, smell, sound, and sight) to recall memories. I showed students photos of myself as a kid up until adulthood, to show how everyone changes and evolves as we grow as individuals. This week’s theme about memories was inspired by the lesson from poetry resident Caroline Stevens.

Together we read the poem “When I Was Six,” by Aimee Nezhukumatahil. In her poem Nezukumatahil uses sensory details to describe how earliest memories from when she was six years old. My mother waters the tomato & pepper plants/I steal drinks from the penny-taste of the garden hose/ I am six and I am laughing with a mouth full of cashews/ I am six, my sister is five & we hide inside the clothing racks at the store. Students enjoyed the poem and remembered doing some of the same things at six just like the poet.

Students turned back the clock and wrote poems about how they saw the world and themselves when they were younger.

Mr. Marroquin’s 6th Grade
Group 1

When I was 3
By Viviana G.

When I was 3, I remember the touch of my teddy bear.
I remember the smell of my doll.
When I was 3, I remember the sound of the rain
and birds.
When I was 3, I remember the time that me and my brother
used to play in the park.
I remember when I got lost in the store.
When I was 3, I was very happy.

I miss being 3.

When I was 7
By Ruby V.

My dad holding my hand to cross the street when I was little.
The smell of perfume from Victoria’s Secret.
Hearing little kids screaming in the park.
Watching cartoons before I went to sleep.

Cuando yo era 1 anos
By Grecia R.

Mi Peluche de doctora juguetes
Las caricturas de doctora juguetes la prinesita Sofia.
El Chocomil on el chilate y el pan que
tanto me gustada.
Era un olor a prescura y tierra mojada.
Escucado a los pajaros y las gallos gonar.

Mr. Marroquin’s 6th Grade
Group 2

2023 Summer Recap
By Saniya H.

I remember in 2023 summer; I would go outside with my friends
and we had Mcdonald’s fries but, mostly chips and candy.
We would stay outside until sunset.
I was mostly with my day all summer, but with
my mom we went to the beach.
The smell of the air outside, it smelled so good.
We heard the sound of the wind blowing and the birds chirping.
Me, my friends, and my siblings would watch the sunsets,
birds, and the kids playing outside.
Then we would all switch phones to take pictures
and play Roblox.

When I was 11
By Yareni L.

Getting picked up from school after a long day.
Getting in the car, when I saw an orange sticker
on my dad’s sweater… I didn’t think much about
it…until I got home. That’s when I got the worst
news in my life…..

My dad told me and my brother that he and my mom
got into a car accident and my mom had to go to
the hospital….. I was heartbroken because I felt that
a part of me was missing… Every night when I went
to sleep I had nightmares that my mom had died.
I would wake up very fast, sweating…..I laid back down
in my bed as I felt water in my eyes. I started to cry
very quietly because I didn’t want to wake up my
brother up.

In the morning, I woke up and got ready for school.
When I got there, I had a smile on my face to cover
all my pain and sadness….. After the school day was
over, I got into the car and went home. I was sad
every day but I always hid it behind a smile and
nobody knew…..

When I Was 2 & 4
By Jose P.

When I was 2, I would touch everything, including a broken light bulb.
When I was 4, I tripped and ate dirt. For some reason it was sweet.
When it was summer, the first thing I smelled was that refreshing smell
of summer. On the 4th of July, I could hear the fireworks all night.
And when I was home, I would watch cartoons all day.

Ms. Torres 6th Grade
Group 3

When I was 5
By Ana O.

When I was 5, I enjoyed going outside.

I still remember the taste of the chicken food corn.

 I went outside smelling the fresh air from my backyard.

 The sound of my roosters singing and the birds chirping.

Seeing my roosters running around chasing the birds everywhere

Watching my favorite white hen walk up to me asking for petting

and climbing my shoulder. 

When I was 7
By Bradley R.

I would touch a playdough and make it into a stickman or make it into a ball and start playing with my big sister and sometimes she would ask me to play with her. I would taste the sweet crunchy bacon my big sister and mom made in the mornings with tasty eggs. I would smell the strong scent of my mom’s perfume collection and start spraying it on myself and ask my mom if I smelled good. I would hear kids laughing at the park when my big sister takes me out to play when I got bored. I would see my big sister doing her makeup while playing music in her room and I would ask her if she could do my skin care routine.

When I was 3
By Gerardo T

When I was 3 years old, I went to my first Bulls game. It was December and I met Santa! With the touch of the stadium chairs, it made me feel scared because I knew it was going to be super loud. The whole stadium smelt like pizza. The taste of the nachos were so good. The loud sound of the cheering fans and the sight of the Chicago Bulls team had me excited.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.