4th Graders Play With “Out of the Box” Thinking

I feel proud to work with Shoesmith 4th graders, who are willing to share their ideas, feelings, questions, and imaginations with me every class session! For our 5th session, we played around with out-of-the-box thinking, coming up with ideas for our “Swan of Bees” styled poems. “Swan of Bees” poems join unlikely things, such as a piece of furniture with a favorite food. Many of the students’ ideas put me in the mind of whimsical “impossible objects!” See what you think.  Next week we will write poems based on the ideas generated.

Ms. Lehner
4th Grade

Savannah G.

A suitcase full of numbers
A volcano full of money
A land full of poppits


Zahir S.

A desk of paint
A dog made from ham
A person with 7 hearts and 6 brains


Shiyon F.

A lemon made out of a kiss
Money made of Chinese food
TV made from sponge bob toys


Emoni A.

A bed made of cookies
A book made of macaroni and cheese


Jamayle H.

A jello house
A table made of skittles
A bed made of marshmallows

Group 2 – 4th Grade

Journie C.

A school made of dogs
A house made of water
A world made of lava


Mason F.

A couch of pepperoni
A dog of blueberries
A desk of pickles


Minahil A.

A bed of cotton candy
A waterfall of rainbow juice


Zoe S.

A river of rainbows
A sea of flowers
A closet of books


Akira S.

A door made of marshmallows
A silk room
An edible classroom floor



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.