2nd Grade Wish Poems!

I am so happy to be invited to return to Swift as Poet-In-Residence for a second year. Ever since March of this year, I have missed entering the actual school building with its bright hallways decorated with international flags and notices about kind behavior; saying hello at the front desk to Ms. Carmen and Officer Evolo; entering the office to greet Principal Cannella and Vice Principal Richie; seeing students handing in daily class attendance sheets to Ms. Comacho; and entering the welcoming classrooms of Ms. Amato and Ms. Popovic.
Well, the 2020-21 school year is kicking off in a different way – as we all know. Nevertheless, our first poetry lessons are all about getting acquainted, and beginning our writing with WISH POEMS written by Swift 2nd graders. Enjoy reading a few!

Ms. Popovic
2nd Grade

Ashritha K.

I wish I had a beautiful unicorn
I wish to go to Chuck E Cheese
I wished to go to America and this wish came true
I wish there was no corona virus
I wish to go to school
I wish there were no online classes
I wish to eat pizza every day
I wish I ate bread and nutela everyday
I wish I ate corn everyday
I wish to be a mermaid


Sanvi D.

I wish I could eat yummy juicy mangoes every night.
and I wish I could learn how to drive a car.
and I wish I could be a scientist when I grow up.
I wish I could learn more and more about scientific mysteries.
I wish I really had a baby brother.
I wish I really really didn’t have to do online class.
I wish I could really really go to space and see the solar system.
I wish I could keep 100 puppies at home!
I wish I could live in so many candy houses.
I wish that there will be no corona virus at all!


Princeshikha K.

I wish that COVID-19 disappears
I wish I could travel back in time and see what people without technology do and warn people about the Corona
I wish I had a Unicorn pet that makes me slime everyday
I wish I could see what the dinosaurs look like and expose it to everybody
I wish I could have a Muntjac deer and a cute baby lion.
I wish Earth was clean
I wish I could go to Mars
I wish I had a lot of toys
I wish I could do push-ups (even though I know how to do 20)
I wish I had a Savanna (because I have A LOT of Space in Nepal)


Union M.

I wish I can have a dog
I wish to have a ps5
I wish to get all the games
I wish to go outside
I wish to have no homework
I wish for a tv
I wish for a car
I wish for a bat
I wish for food
I wish for a bike




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.