Making Memories

What do memories mean to you? Last week, Ms. Manning’s 4th and 5th graders spent some time daydreaming about past moments that were special to them. Some people had action-packed memories, like a student who recalled a trip to Six Flags with their whole family. Other students have memories tied to certain people or things, like the excitement they felt bringing home a new pet. Reading Nikki Giovanni’s poem “My First Memory (Of Librarians)” gave us inspiration about how to use the five senses to make our poems brighter. Check out a few of our poems from the Kozminski crew below:

4th Grade

My Memory at the Water Park

Ja’Zelle C. 

At the water park, touching the water made me feel wet.

Tasting the water made my mouth fill up with salt.

The smell of the water was plain but nice.

The sound of the water felt like music to my ears.

The sight of the water was blue like gold.


My Favorite Memory: Thanksgiving 2021 

Christopher L. 

The food was hard and soft.

It tasted like heaven.

It smelled like a five star restaurant.

It sounded like grown-ups and kids of all sizes talking loud.

I saw food, sauce, and dessert, drinks like pop and juice

and water for the little kids so they didn’t get hyper and go crazy.


5th Grade

My Favorite Memory 

Christian A. 

This is my favorite memory: My Uncle’s Restaurant.

When I go to my uncle’s food star called “Sun-d-which,”

it felt like a big house. The sandwich is juicy and yummy

with all the ingredients. It smells like they are having a BBQ.

It sounds like a rainforest with all the people.


My Favorite Memory 

Hannah A. 

From New York City

This is my favorite memory

The bed in my hotel room felt like clouds on my back.

Had a juicy burger, took a bite and it felt like heaven.

It smelled like food all round New York City.

Sounded like feet all around me.

My sight, so many people walking and talking.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.